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Caffeine Impacts the Critical Thinking Skills in Employees A Practice and Limited Quantitative Descriptive Comparative Research Study

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Dr. Phillip D. Clingan. (2020). Caffeine Impacts the Critical Thinking Skills in Employees A Practice and Limited Quantitative Descriptive Comparative Research Study. Journal of Medical Biomedical and Applied Sciences, 8(5), 409–428.
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The research study addresses the problem of identifying how caffeine dramatically affects the brain by increasing mental alertness, memory, energy, and concentration. The problem is researched through the use of scholarly and empirical sources prior to conducting a limited quantitative descriptive comparative research study. The solution to the problem will help organization manage the job-related work performance concerns, supervisor issues of employees sleeping at work, and enhanced favorable performance the different areas of industry could experience during day-to-day encounters with employees. Areas of interest include the types of caffeine intake, when caffeine intake is needed, and how high amounts of caffeine impacts employee performance. The literature review illustrates analytically and epically the prevalence of caffeine has on employees and how relates to organizational leadership and identifies unique challenges employers face proven to build awareness to improve job related performance and health.


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