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Challenges Faced by Undergraduate Nursing Students in Sokoto State, Nigeria, During Clinical Posting

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Nasiru, B. S., & Salahudeen, Abdulwahab. (2021). Challenges Faced by Undergraduate Nursing Students in Sokoto State, Nigeria, During Clinical Posting. Journal of Medical Biomedical and Applied Sciences, 9(2), 573–589.
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The research was conducted to assess Challenges faced by undergraduate nursing Students in Sokoto state, Nigeria, during Clinical Posting. The aim is to highlight major challenges faced by students undergoing undergraduate nursing study during their clinical posting, also possible causes and solution to this challenges. A prospective study employing a descriptive survey approach was conducted, targeting 300, 400 and 500 level undergraduate nursing students in the clinical year, 2017/2018 academic session. A 38-item self-developed questionnaire consisting of four sections, designed in line with the aim of the study, was used for data collection with a total 67 respondents in the research. The study identified the following challenges; theory-practical imbalance, inferiority complex, poor nursing practice, and lack of updated of knowledge by staff, timing of clinical posting, work overload during posting, lack of understanding of clinical judgment, ineffective problem solving skills, poor communication skills, and poor patient cooperation. This study identified the following  causes; non-supportive attitude of staff, ineffective nurse-student relationship, fear of making mistakes or harming the patient, unwillingness of the staff to teach, lack of equipment to carry out procedures, inter-professional bias, outdated protocol and procedure manual and lack of confidence in the student by the patient, Too many patients to care for and communication barrier. The solution identified to the challenges are; effective nurse-student relationship, motivating students about clinical skills, fostering team work amongst staff, adequate break for student to relief stress, provision of adequate equipment, improve communication skills, staff should be readily prepared to teach student, update protocol and procedure manual to current practice, proper explanation to the patient the importance of studentship in clinics and reflecting theory into practice. It is recommended that further studies check on perception of staff nurses, lecturer and student on the challenges faced during clinical posting, further research is needed to validate these results in other universities within the country and beyond and also study of the current scope of nursing practice and its relevance to the changing and evolving environment.

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