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Role of Antioxidants in The Prevention and Treatment of Gastric Cancer – A Short Review

  • Jemima Beryl Mohankumar
  • Kavitha V.
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Jemima Beryl Mohankumar, & Kavitha V. (2020). Role of Antioxidants in The Prevention and Treatment of Gastric Cancer – A Short Review. Journal of Medical Biomedical and Applied Sciences, 8(12), 564–568.
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Gastric cancer incidence and mortality are highly variable by region and highly dependent on diet and Helicobacter pylori infection.  There are a number of protective and risk factors for gastric cancer in diet.  Consumption of total fruit and white vegetables, but not total vegetables, was inversely associated with gastric cancer risk.  The intake of antioxidant equivalents was inversely associated with the risk of both cardia and distal gastric cancer.  Antioxidants do not aid in the prevention of gastrointestinal cancers in the general population; however, they may act as chemo-preventive agents for stomach and esophageal cancers, especially in high-risk populations.  Tocopherols were associated with higher risk of GCC, whereas dietary intake of fruits, vitamin C, tocopherols, and lycopene seemed protective for GNCC.

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