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Antibody Specificity in Alloimmunised Thalassemia Patients Attending Tertiary Care Center in Western Part of India.

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parashar, R., & Sunita Bundas. (2021). Antibody Specificity in Alloimmunised Thalassemia Patients Attending Tertiary Care Center in Western Part of India. Journal of Medical Biomedical and Applied Sciences, 9(5), 673–675.
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Introduction:  In thalassemia major patients there is marked ineffective erythropoiesis occur leading to intramedullary hemolysis. To suppress the ineffective erythropoiesis  allogenic transfusion is given. So alloimmunisation is a common problem in transfusion dependant thalassemic patients leading to delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction.

Aim & Objective:  The aim of this study to identify the antibody specificity pattern in transfusion dependant thalassemia patients at our center.

Material & Method: The study was conducted on  210 transfusion dependant  thalassemic patients registered at  SMS hospital for regular  blood transfusion and give valid consent to participate in the study. Data collection was started after approval of plan from research review board of institute in April 2019 onwards till significant sample size was collected. Total 210 patients were selected and included in the study with 95% confidence and 10% allowable error.  The qualitative data was expressed as percentage . The difference in proportion was analysed by using Chi square test. Quantitative data was expressed as  mean.

 Result : Out of 210 patients, 8 patients were screen positive, Out of which 7 having alloantibody and 1 patient having autoantibody. Antibody identified were belongs to Rh & Kell blood group system.

Keyword: Alloimmunisation, thalassemia, transfusion dependant

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