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Relationship of Strategic Plan Implementation, Resource Utilization and Institutional Effectiveness at Secondary School Level in Punjab, Pakistan

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Abdul Latif Khan. (2021). Relationship of Strategic Plan Implementation, Resource Utilization and Institutional Effectiveness at Secondary School Level in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Medical Biomedical and Applied Sciences, 9(7), 729–733. Retrieved from
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The effectiveness of any educational institution is principally portrayed through the academic success. Within the other factors, Resource Utilization plus Strategic Plan Implementation may also be the important contributors of Institutional Effectiveness. An attempt in this regard was made to examine whether any relationship of Strategic Plan Implementation ,Resource Utilization and Institutional Effectiveness at secondary level exists or not. Head teachers, SSTs/SSEs, ESTs/SESEs and PSTs/ESEs working in secondary schools in district Mianwali were taken as population of the study. 116 secondary schools of district Mianwali in all three tehsils were taken as population of the study. 600 teachers were selected as sample for the study by using random sampling along with convenient sampling technique. Questionnaire was used as instrument of the study to get response of participant. Pearson correlation “r” was used as statistics of the study. The study revealed positive relationship for Strategic Plan Implementation and Institutional Effectiveness, positive correlation between Resource utilization and Institutional Effectiveness was found at secondary level.

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