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Comparative Characteristics of The Effects of Drug and Mechanical Reperfusion in The Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome with ST Elevation in Patients Working in Environmentally Challenging Conditions

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Javadova Tarana Mamedgasanovna, & Mammadgasan Mammadguseynovich Agayev. (2020). Comparative Characteristics of The Effects of Drug and Mechanical Reperfusion in The Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome with ST Elevation in Patients Working in Environmentally Challenging Conditions. Journal of Medical Biomedical and Applied Sciences, 8(6), 479–486.
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Studied clinical and hemodynamic efficacy of complex use  heparin,Сyто-Mас,  propranolol (obzidan), fosinopril (monopril)  with and PCI; PCI conducted separately on hemodynamics on cardiohemodynamics on ekoendotoksikoz (AMP) and the clinical course of patients working in environmentally stressful conditions in the acute phase and follow-up of MI. Comparison of the results of complex mediakamentoz and mechanical revascularization with PCI conducted separately. Investigated  50 patients with   STMI in the age of 30 to 70 years (56,7 ± 1,20 years). Of the  50 patients 25 were treated Cyto-Mac, foznopril, propranolol with heparin and PCI (group 1); 25  patients were treated with PCI alone (group 2). In both groups, blood was determined by the degree ekoendotoksikoza (AMP) by EchoCG and Doppler EchoCG  studied  ESV, EDV,  EF, SI, CI , an  local contractility violation index of left ventricle (LCVI) , with the aid of restenosis koronorografii. A well established dynamics of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, clinical features of MI during follow-up. Patients treatedheparin,Cуто-мас, propranolol, foznopril  and PCIindicators of central hemodynamics stabilizis. The reduced  ЕSV,EDV, LCVI and decreased degree ofekoendotoksikoza (АMP), improves left ventricular systolic function of demand , increases PV. However, in this group, one patient on the third day was recorded AHF and one recurrent MI. İn The group spent only 2 PCI in relapse developed MI, 1 - restenosis,  2 -AHF and 1 patients died. The results show that the combined application of drug therapy with PCI provides a positive result in  comparsionwiththan separately conducted  PCI in ACS  with elevation ST.

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