Esophageal cancer is a highly malignant lesion and often has a severe prognosis. The management of this type of cancer must be carried out in reference centers equipped with all the required therapies; that is, the interest of setting up one or two centers as needed in the kingdom. We report in this work the study of a series of 51 cases of esophageal cancer collected within the radiotherapy department of the Hassan II hospital center in FES during 6 years from January 2012 to December 2017. The average age of our patients was 61 years old. The sex ratio was 1.32 (predominantly male). The time to diagnosis was 5 months on average and 98% of patients had consulted at the stage of dysphagia. Esogastroduodenal fibroscopy with the performance of biopsies enabled the diagnosis to be made in all cases. All patients underwent TAP CT as part of the extension workup. No patient was operated. 90% of cases received RCC versus 10% who received exclusive RTH. All patients received a total dose of 50.4Gy, After an average follow-up of 26 months, 29.4% of patients are alive and in complete remission, 21% of patients are stable, 15% of patients are progressing, 19% of the patients died and 13% of the patients were lost to sight.
Radiotherapy for esophageal cancer: Experience of the radiotherapy department, HASSAN II university hospital, Fez
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ALLOUCHE, F. (2022). Radiotherapy for esophageal cancer: Experience of the radiotherapy department, HASSAN II university hospital, Fez. Journal of Medical Biomedical and Applied Sciences, 10(4). Recuperado a partir de
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